Professional oral cavity hygiene is a prophylactic means for care of the oral cavity. During this procedure, the plaque is removed, surfaces of teeth and fillings are polished, the patients are trained on how to take care of the oral cavity.

Many people suffer from painful or bleeding gums, bad breath, lack of cleanliness, and freshness after brushing teeth. Because of plaque and tartar, inflammation, caries may occur, or periodontitis may develop. When a pocket forms between the tooth and a bone, the bone that surrounds the tooth resorbs, ultimately the teeth become loose, and it becomes necessary to remove them, or they fall out. A toothbrush cannot remove plaque and tartar; therefore, it is required to perform professional oral hygiene. On the even surface of teeth, plaque accumulates slower, and in smaller amounts, gingivitis goes away promptly after the procedure, and the development of caries and periodontitis is prevented.

When and how often it is necessary to perform a professional oral hygiene

  • It is recommended to perform professional oral hygiene once every six months, depending on the individual oral hygiene skills of a person and the tendency of accumulation of tartar.
  • In the case of the advanced stage of periodontal pathology, it should be performed once in 3-4 months.
  • When there is bad breath, bleeding gums, pain, and if the darkened teeth and interdental areas are observed.
  • The procedure is mandatory before dental implantation, prosthodontics, root canal treatment, and whitening of teeth.

The course of the professional oral hygiene

  • Before oral hygiene is performed, local anesthesia can be applied by the patient’s request.
  • During the procedure, tartar is removed by using specialized instruments and ultrasound scaler.
  • The plaque (formed because of coffee, tea, tobacco, etc.) is removed by using the Air-Flow system.
  • The procedure is completed with the polishing of the teeth and fillings with a special paste, fluoride varnish, or other application, reducing dental sensitivity and inflammation is applied.
  • Once the procedure is completed, the patient is trained on how to carry out personal oral hygiene.