Tooth removal can be performed surgically or straightforwardly. Wisdom and retained teeth are mostly removed surgically. Both for uncomplicated and surgical tooth removal, it is recommended to turn to doctor oral surgeon who will perform these procedures more professionally, reliably, and with a lesser degree of risk.

What risks there are in tooth removal:

  • The damage was done to walls of the jawbone, and it will make implantation more complicated in the future;
  • It could be that bone augmentation will be needed because it is difficult for a doctor to assess how the cavity will look after tooth removal.
  • Crown of a tooth could break off during removal;
  • The patient must inform the doctor if he/she is sick with certain diseases (sugar diabetes, kidney, heart diseases, etc.), so it would be possible to foresee what complications and risks may occur during tooth removal and to protect the patient from them.

Things to know about wisdom-teeth and their removal

Since wisdom teeth are the last to grow (17-25 years of age), most often, there is no space left for them in the jaws. For this reason, they push through incorrectly or remain under the gums, thus causing more problems than benefits. It is recommended to extract the impacted, caries-damaged wisdom teeth as soon as possible before the infection spreads and harms the adjacent teeth, and in inflammation occurs. As a person gets old, the removal of wisdom teeth gets increasingly difficult. The wisdom teeth are valuable only when they are not impacted and not damaged by caries.

Retained teeth are teeth that fail to erupt, remain under the gums, or even are lying lengthwise to the jaw. Such teeth should be removed immediately because they might cause serious problems: harm other teeth, jaw, a cyst, or even a tumor could form.

The person may not feel any symptoms of problems in wisdom teeth or feel them slightly; therefore, it is worth visiting doctor odontologist for a consultation to do a radiological examination (dental, computed, or panoramic radiograph of the mouth).

Other teeth need to be removed when:

  • Caries severely damages the crown of the tooth;
  • Root canals are poorly treated;
  • When traumas are experienced;
  • The pervasion of periodontal diseases;
  • Teeth are impacted or when orthodontic treatment is necessary;

After the removal, will the patient remain without a tooth?

A temporary crown will replace the removed tooth. During the first visit, after consultation or presentation of a treatment plan, the dental impression will be taken for the manufacture of the temporary crown. After the tooth removal procedure, the temporary crown will be adjusted, and you’ll wear it until a time for implantation or prosthodontics comes.

Is tooth removal painful?

No pain or gnawing is felt during the procedure. The patient might feel stretching or discomfort in the area operated.

Necessary tests for removal of teeth:

  • Computed tomography or panoramic radiograph of the mouth.

Standards of tooth removal procedures:

  • The tooth is removed, then follows a 3-month healing period after which implantation can be performed;
  • During a tooth removal, an implant is screwed in (instantaneous implantation);
  • All unsuitable teeth in the mouth are removed;

The procedure of uncomplicated removal:

  • Anesthesia is applied locally;
  • The tooth is removed;
  • A tampon is placed and kept for about 1 hour.

Surgical tooth removal:

  • anesthesia is applied locally;
  • gums are lifted;
  • the tissue surrounding the tooth is removed by using instruments;
  • the tooth is dislodged, separated from the bone, and removed;
  • the wound is sutured;
  • the sutures are removed after 7 – 10 days.

Post-operative period:

  • After tooth removal, only soft food consumption is allowed, the patient must avoid spicy, hot, and very cold food and beverages;
  • During the first 24 hours do not brush or rinse the operated area;
  • Avoid sauna, hot environment, physical load, refrain from sporting activities for about one week;
  • It is recommended to refrain from smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages for about one week.


  • Only painkillers are prescribed after the uncomplicated tooth removal;
  • After surgical tooth removal, a course of antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed.

Doctor’s recommendations:

If, after a few days after the tooth removal, the pain had intensified, the swelling occurred, the temperature increased, bleeding continues, then it is recommended to go seeing a doctor who operated the patient.