Implantation with bone augmentation is a procedure of adding bone graft or patient’s bone during implantation. This procedure is performed when the resorbed jawbone is not sufficient to screw in an implant, but the bone around the implant remains very thin and can resorb eventually.

Reasons for jawbone loss:

  • If the teeth are lost, the empty area of the jaw does not participate in chewing, and the bone loss process begins
  • Periodontitis, during which plaque and microorganisms cause infection and damage the tooth surrounding tissues, bone resorption occurs even before the teeth are lost
  • Dental or jaw trauma, dental fissures

In what case implantation with bone, augmentation can be performed?

  • Firstly, the doctor, with the help of computed tomography, assesses the quality, height, and width of the jaw. If these measurements are minimal or altered, in such cases, implantation with bone augmentation can be performed.
  • When the residual volume of bone allows screwing in an implant and ensuring its initial stability, and the minimal amount of bone around it.
  • If the jawbone is badly resorbed (the screwed in implant would not have enough bone volume around it), the instantaneous bone augmentation would be risky. In such a case, it would be necessary to perform bone grafting surgery by using the bone of the patient. After 4-6 months of healing, implantation can be performed.

The course of implantation with bone augmentation

  • Anesthesia is applied
  • The gums are incised and lifted
  • A place for the implant is prepared in the bone
  • The implant is screwed in
  • Resorbed bone areas are covered with bone graft
  • If necessary, the bone graft and implant are covered with a protective membrane
  • The wound is sutured
  • Sutures are removed after 7-10 days
  • After four months, a brief procedure is performed during which healing abutment is screwed on
  • Dental impressions are taken after seven days since the healing abutment was screwed on

Is this procedure painful?

No pain or gnawing is felt during the procedure. The patient might feel pressure on the operated area or discomfort during bone preparation, just like during any other dental procedure.

Post-operative period

After implantation with bone augmentation, the working capacity of the patient remains intact; however, moderate swelling might be visible on the operated cheek for two-three days. In rare cases, a bruise might appear. Mostly, on the second day after the surgery, the patient can return to work. On a day of surgery, it is recommended to have some rest, to cool the operated area, to refrain from energetic activities to avoid bleeding intensification and increased swelling.
For two-three days it is recommended to avoid sports and hard physical labor.
It is recommended to refrain from smoking for at least two weeks or to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked down to 1-2 per day.


After the implantation with bone augmentation, a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics is prescribed. The antibiotics are needed for the reduction of risk of inflammatory complications until the bloodstream will reach the augmented bone.
Painkillers are also prescribed, they are necessary to take on the day of the surgery, and the day after. Most often, the patients tell they had to take only 1-2 pills of painkillers, and later they did not need them.
Recommendations of a doctor: if, after a few days after the implantation, the pain gets more severe, if a bad breath or occurs in the gingival area, the patient should see a doctor who operated him or her.