If I could turn back time, in this process, I would change one thing only – I would have arrived at an appointment with doctor Viktorija Krušinskienė on time.
When did you ultimately feel that orthognathic treatment is necessary for you to have?
I’d say that my life turned to a more qualitative side at the very same minute when I saw in myself in the mirror wearing braces. At that moment, I realized that time for changes has come. Changes, I’ve been waiting for all my life. I was never satisfied with my smile. Insanely protrusive front teeth, huge gaps between them, and no correct occlusion. A sad story and large complexes.
As I’ve learned now, due to malocclusion, which can be fixed only through surgery, all my teeth wore down. After the surgery and removal of braces, all of them needed aesthetic filling. However, the malocclusion or worn-down teeth weren’t the main points. Low self-esteem, fear of smiling, lack of self-confidence, inability to relax – these were much more severe issues.
Moreover, I had a job where, without a smile, one simply looks silly. I host events, TV shows, and continuously communicate with other people. Handsome smile has always been my biggest dream. I still cannot believe that this nightmare is over.
…perhaps making up your mind to have treatment took a lot of time?
I had a stroke of good luck with specialists. I recall, three years ago, I turned to an excellent orthodontist Viktorija Krušinskienė. Indeed, I expected that she’d propose a method that will allow dodging braces. Back then, I didn’t want to hear about any kind of surgery. I used to say, “Seal these gaps with some kind of material, and it’ll be fine.” Back then, Viktorija already gave a rude awakening. “Braces, Karolis, braces first, and then – surgery. It will take about two years.” Then it sounded to me like even a bigger nightmare than the one occurring in my mouth. Two years?! Braces?! Surgery?! You will not believe me, but I got so scared that after I agreed to come for another appointment, I didn’t show up in her office for a whole year!
Still, that year was enough for me to firmly realize that I cannot go on living like this. With my head down, I returned to Viktoria to the same office. I agreed with everything and executed all her obligations. Viktorija said immediately: “I agree to treat you only under the condition that you will not refuse to have surgery even if the gaps will close in the middle of the treatment. Malocclusion is your problem. If you refuse to have surgery, then treatment with braces will be useless.”
And then, as an answer to my question, who should perform the surgery, I heard two magic words: “Simonas Grybauskas,”– answered Viktorija without a doubt. Moreover, she added –”He’s an ace in jaw surgery. He’s a Mozart of the orthognathic surgery. You can trust him boldly. He’s a world-class specialist.”
First time I visited Simonas a few years before surgery. I always have a gut feeling when a person can be trusted. Simas simply radiates professionalism. I felt utterly calm for a couple of years before the surgery. I just knew that I’m in the hands of one of the most solid specialists. I had not even the slightest doubt about Simonas and his team.
Have you considered any other alternatives?
I used to think of numerous alternatives. As I understand it now, those were not alternatives but complete follies. I’ve already mentioned that I wanted to fill these interdental gaps with fillings only.
Even bigger nonsenses were circling in my head. I remember, I loathed having braces so much that I also offered Vikrotija to remove all my teeth and replace them with the new ones. I’m thankful to Viktorija, Simonas, and myself for having enough common sense to listen to their essential idea that incorrect position of my mandible had always been my biggest problem. For this only reason, my teeth were never supported and moved forward. Those interdental gaps formed precisely for this reason. For the same reason, my complexes occurred. Thanks to my great specialists, I’m incredibly happy again!
You relied on the opinions of specialists, and how did other people’s advice work?
I’ve read one comment online. Indeed, there were plenty of detailed interviews. That’s why when the colleagues of Simonas asked to share my experience, I immediately agreed to do so. I wish for the people of a similar fate to mine to have no doubts regarding this choice.
I remember communicating with people who had similar surgeries only right before the surgery and after it. Thanks to Linas Zarecjas, Karolis Vinciūnas, Vaidas Baumila, who kindly shared their impressions because it has been psychologically essential to attain support, encouragement, and advice from the people who experienced the same things. By the way, I felt also encouraged by experiences and advice from the same orthodontist Viktorija Krušinskienė. She underwent the same type of surgery just one month before mine.
Did your relatives support you?
Regarding the surgery, the reaction of all relatives was the same –”Do you need it?” It sounded creepy to everybody. I’ve always felt the support from my wife-to-be. Our wedding will take place this year. I’ve promised her we’ll marry after my braces will be taken off because I want to smile broadly in all directions on my wedding day.
I had to spend a few days in the hospital after the surgery. My parents and friends visited me regularly. My fiancé kept her eyes on me all the time, and, of course, Simonas an all his team monitored me as well.
You know, this guy is incredible. Only my fiancé wrote such a multitude of SMS messages on day and night. He was making constant inquiries, giving advice, reassurances, and encouragement. He loves his job, and it matters to him. I loudly asked myself questions – “When does he sleep? When does he take time for himself?”. During the first month after the surgery, we communicated with him every day. He used to write and call me all the time. Knowing hos tight his schedule is, I don’t understand how he managed to dedicate so much time to me.
Frankly, now I’m trying to implement his example into my work. When communicating with the customers to whom I host events, I try to spare no efforts and time and answer even their weirdest questions without looking at my watch. Simonas has simply shown me how important it can be crucial to people who have less knowledge in your field. Simonas answered all my questions and never allowed me to feel uncomfortable.
Which moments were the most vivid from this period?
The first week after the surgery was the toughest. Pain, discomfort while eating, and brushing teeth. My weight dropped significantly due to altered nutrition (I ate through straw or syringe only). My weight is already small, but still, I managed to lose a few more kilos.
Everything started to change after I started eating natural products. I must admit, I couldn’t restrain myself from eating them for as long as ordered. I broke those terms and risked strongly. I don’t recommend doing so to anyone – recommendations of doctors are not just empty words.
The biggest fun was when I was able to open my mouth enough to be able to brush my teeth thoroughly. Then I realized that the hardest days are already behind.
What is fundamentally important when deciding whether to have treatment or not?
The most important thing is to ask yourself: “Is it pleasant to live this way?” If the answer is “No,” and surgery is the only option proposed by the doctors, then one shouldn’t doubt. Life’s too short to live it uncomfortably. No money spent, unpleasant sensations, or time wasted cannot match the enjoyment after the surgery that lasts for the rest of your life.
If I could turn back time, in this process, I would change one thing only – I would have arrived at an appointment with doctor Viktorija Krušinskienė on time. In such a case, I would have met Simonas one year earlier also.
How did your life change after the treatment?
I felt better beyond all comparison. In the eyes of the people on the side, I looked happy and self-confident. In fact, back then, there were lots of psychological cover-ups. I avoided smiling broadly, didn’t like being photographed. When talking, I tried to open my mouth only a little. But my job obliges me to do everything oppositely!
Now everything contrasts with how it was. I’m happy and trust myself indeed. I really enjoy smiling. Now I’m the real me. Now, Karolis, a guy who was imprisoned by the horrible teeth for many years, has broken free. I’m afraid even to imagine that psychological neediness, which I would still feel if I hadn’t braced myself to undergo treatment.
If you could turn back time, already knowing and experiencing as much as you do now, would you choose the orthognathic treatment once more?
Orthognathic treatment always includes the joint work of the surgeon’s team and doctor orthodontist. The team of Dr. Simonas Grybauskas thanks orthodontist Viktorija Krušinskienė for collaboration, by courtesy of whom accomplishment of such treatment results became possible.